I found an old school assignment in some papers today. I think it's worth revisiting.
This I Believe:
I am saved by grace, through Jesus Christ, the son of & part of God.
He loves unconditionally, and there is nothing I can do to increase or lessen his love for me.
I am called to glorify God in everything I do: writing, music, poetry, love, and every other aspect of life.
Genuinely caring about people makes life sweeter & makes the world around us a better place.
The proverbial little things in life make more difference than big things. That, or they make the big things important.
Love conquers all.
Truth is revolutionary, and often painful, but is eventually essential to true happiness and living in the fullest sense of the word.
Passion is important, essential even, but only when directed toward something real, important, or beautiful. Misdirected passion is an ugly, dangerous thing, as opposed to a dangerous & beautiful thing.
Emotion must be balanced with thought.
Responsibility and duty are extremely important to a fulfilling life. They are noble and are mainstays of good character.
Music touches the soul like nothing else can do.
Self-expression is essential for originality, but originality should very rarely be a goal in & of itself. Being yourself, original or not, is what is important.
Through God, all things work out to be good for those who trust & follow him, whether the good is in this life or the next.
Love is the most important thing in the world, and should be behind everything we do: the motivating force.
It's okay to change who you are, if it's for your betterment.
Most of American culture is crap.
Family should be our foundation only if Christ is the cornerstone.
People are people, regardless of race, culture, religion, sex, sexual orientation, social status, etc., and as such, should be treated with respect.
Not agreeing with someone does not justify violence or even anger towards them.
I believe in defending the weak & helpless, putting others before myself, and trying to live in humility and peace.
Sometimes peace isn't possible because the right thing must be done.
Action = Life, Silence = Death.
It is possible to be a conservative Libertarian, bleeding heart liberal, and a tiny bit anarchist all at the same time.
The ideas and love of Christ are more revolutionary than any other this world has seen.
Innocence is not the same thing as naivete.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.
'Kind' is a much stronger word than 'nice'. Kindness implies strength with gentleness, power with caring. I believe that this is an important distinction, and that kindness is an essential way of life.