Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm so excited!


So, i haven't been able to log into this account for some reason, which is why there have been no new posts for quite a while. Sorry about the bipolar tone of the other posts!

Anyway, i'm on my way to work, but i thought that since i managed to log in i sould leave a little note.

Update: We are blessed, and God is good. haha- not so much of a surprise there, huh?
times are hard, but we're making it. we still have a roof, a bed, and food, so i'm very grateful. other things could be better, but every hard thing is a chance for us to grow.

Pray that we use the opportunities to grow stronger and closer to our Lord.

Okay, i'm like super cheerleader here, but whatever. Gotsta go to work now.


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