Tuesday, November 27, 2007


... I hate when Jake is out of town.

There are good things that come of it, though. I hung out with Heather a lot today and got to meet some cool friends of hers. That girl Sarah is a "kindred spirit", fo sho.

I love heather and having girl time, but when it comes down to it, my husband is my best friend. He is my favorite person to spend time with, and without him I get either bummed or crazy.... although the craziness tonight might have been from the massive amounts of caffiene I had today. Coffee is just so good!

School is looking pretty good this semester. I have one more test, which shouldn't be too bad, probably a take-home final or two, and then just need to finish my survey and put the rest of a paper together, which should take all of an hour, maybe.

God has blessed me so much: from the huge things, like letting me find and spend my life with such a wonderful man and giving me the strength to finish school, to little things like meeting cool people and getting a good parking spot tonight.

Which reminds me, there are cops all over the apartment complex tonight... good thing I sleep with mace on my bedside table. :)

Eek. If no one hears from me for a few days, it might be best to come look around the apartment for signs of forced entry. Don't look at the mess, though. I pick up after myself, but I am NOT cleaning up Mike and Amy's mess, no matter how much I want a clean house.

On that note, I'm off to find socks for my poor leetle feetsies, because I have no warm hubby in bed tonight to stick them on.

Ha, poor kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

husbands are the best things in the world for cold feet and bottoms and other such things.

I love that we can share in revelations such as these now friend. lol. miss you...