Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm 23 today.

It's pretty sweet. I'm officially 2 years closer to getting a break on insurance and hotel rooms, and officially closer to dying.


"And that's about the time that she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD?
My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?"


Anonymous said...

"...officially closer to dying."

I once heard that life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.

On that cheery note, can we expect the next most in four more months or is posting going to become a regular thing? ;-)

Jenn said...

I like SOME 23 year olds... including you! I hope you had a happy one!

Lucy said...

i DONT like that song, but i DO like you!