Friday, October 5, 2007


Jake just bought me the cutest shoes in the world!
Gather 'round, children, it's story time. :)
So. We were at Sears, just passing the time, and while he was looking for new work shoes I decided to try some stuff on, just for fun. I found some amazing stiletto/boots/grandma shoes (haha, i know, gross, right? they're adorable). I was so sad to take them off.... they made my feet so happy. :)
We don't really have the money for frivolous things right now, so i finally got over it and boxed them up. Jake saw them, though, and asked me if i wanted them. After debating and guilting with myself for a while and asking Jake's opinion, I decided to do the right thing and put them back. Right before I did, though, Jake looked at me with his beautiful brown eyeballs, and said, "Do you want these shoes?" I paused, shook my head, then nodded. "You'd better carry them, then." Oh man... So we bought them. I might have made a little scene jumping on him and kissing him in the store, much to the amusement of other men in the shoe section, but I was so happy!

It's wonderful having a husband who understands his silly wife's love of pretties.


Unknown said...

yay for new shoes! :) You got a good guy by your side! Hopefully I can see those lovely shoes on your feet sometime!

Nathan said...


i want to go shopping today.. and can't for the life of me find anyone to go!!!!!

Jenn said...

Wow... Jake... parting with money... for girlie shoes? Is this the same guy who has worn and resoled the same boots for the last 15 years?

megan said...

What an adorable story. And he brought you In-N-Out and he has nice teeth. I think you should keep him if only for those three reasons.

Jenn said...

MMM IN-N-Out?!?! I miss animal style!